Welcome to The Cactus Garden!
This is my little patch of internet dedicated to collecting gifs and dollz, blogging bits about my life, and sharing the things I love online!

I've grown up alongside the internet and am excited for a return to the cozier homepage-based web life. Social media is becoming a tiresome brain-rot; let's return to creativity and fun!!
Explore the site using the navigation box on the top-left. There are plenty of sublinks out from each page, and I'll be working to flesh the site out with a ton of content to explore!
If you have fun here and like what you see or have any comments questions suggestions etc- go ahead and reach out to me!
My contact info will be avilable on the about section via my carrd.
~Site Updates~
01-28-2023 | Almost Through with January... And the Main Pages!
Year of the Rabbit! Typing this up at 3am. I've updated a lot a lot lol lemme think
Big Moves on the Virtual Pets Tab
Now has a page for web adopts, subeta pets, neopets, chao garden, and a "more" section i'm not quite sure what to do with just yet.. Maybe a page for all the extra little things? If i get back into tamagotchis, or if there are any smaller web-pet-games to group together?
Started the Collections Tab
Now has blinkies/stamps and a pixel garden with dollz and glitters
Re-Uploaded Dollmaker and Dress-Up Game Reviews
Brought my dollmaker/dress-up reviews over to the new format! They're under collections now- I still have a bunch more to add to this list, but its time consuming to edit so for now it is a WIP
Astrology Page in the About Tab Because Lol
What can i say its an aquarius thing definitely haha. Now I just need to update the likes and shrines OWO
Built Out The Link Tabs
Made the links page templates so i can start using them as bookmarks pages for myself as i make them pretty hahah. My bookmarks are cluttered and hard to navigate- so this way I can just update as I browse. Have a feeling this might get stuck as a sticky note for a minute though hah
There's enough that I want "to do" that I should really make some kind of list.... hm, wonder if there's a name for that ;)
Anyway- it's been sort of a rough week IRL, but I'm trying to focus on things that make me happy and the internet is one of those things so here I am- making progress on this place!
Oh! And also- I've been using the more "social" aspect of neocities now to just keep a bookmark on other webmakers- but if any mutuals wanna affiliate or start a little webring, lmk! I'm still working on a button haha.
01-10-2023 | New Year- Making Website Progress
Happy New Year! It's been a cold and foggy start to this one, but I'm determined to make this year good!
I updated the "about" section- just added some simple stats and some pictures for now- I'll start building up the sub-pages next. Unless I want to make all the main pages first? I'm not sure... Made a guestbook too! So that's all linked. Anyway- all to say, still plugging away at this in my free time! It's nice to have a non-art hobby again.
12-26-2022 | Building Things Out!
YAY- We lived through the Holidays! Now just New Years at PDFC and it is on to the New Year! I have a lot of plans for the site in 2023- I'm very excited to get back into making websites as a hobby.
Today I created the 404-Page and am starting to reformat the main-nav pages, then I'll go in on each section from there. It'll be exciting to have my doll results listed again! That's about it for now. Kind of want to make a scrollbar for these updates too but I'm not sure how to do that quite yet... We shall see!
12-22-2022 | Theme Updates!
Alright- Going to track changes from here on out!
Today I am switching from the layout I generated from SadGrlOnline's HTML Layout generator to one that I downloaded from REPTH.
Shoutouts, kudos, and major gratitude to SadGrl for always having such good resources to get me back on the HTML wagon!!
I'll still be linking out to her site for HTML help and other Web Scraps.
So no shade to the old layout- I was just ready to shed for a bigger hermit-crab shell as it were lol.
It's pink for now! Will be switching to either an aqua or a penta-color scheme with my fav colors... we'll see what pans out!
Things are gonna be broken for a second so... hold please!